Not the easiest of subjects simply because they determine how close you can get, and their eyesight is much much better then yours.
Nevertheless raptors will often fly over you, whereas owls if found in daylight rarely move. The problem then is getting a clear
shot as they are usually well-hidden. Anyway, my limited success is shown here, arranged roughly by continent. Introduced July 2021 NO LINKS to further shots ACTIVE AT PRESENT
AUSTRALIAThe easiest continent to see raptors, we have seen all of them, but three at least require local knowledge and sometimes
an organised outback tour. Like many Australian birds some are nomadic, but others are irruptive as rodent plagues hit outback farms, still others are just plain rare. We haven't managed to photograph all of
them, whereas owls have been an ongoing problem to even see. Many are "staked-out", but do have this habit of moving their roost sites regularly. Must try harder!